Improving Emergency Response Capacities to Natural and Man-made Disasters in Small Communities across the Black Sea Basin Region – IMPACT+

Improving Emergency Response Capacities to Natural and Man-made Disasters in Small Communities across the Black Sea Basin Region – IMPACT+

Improving Emergency Response Capacities to Natural and Man-made Disasters in Small Communities across the Black Sea Basin Region – IMPACT+

The project supported by the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme


Project Partners:

National Society of Red Cross Romania –  Galati Branch , Romania -LP

Cross-border Cooperation and European Integration Agency, Moldova  – PP2

Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Bulgaria  – PP3

Imereti Scientists’ Union “Spectri”, Georgia – PP4


Total Budget: €553812.00

EU Contribution: € 498430.80 (90%)

Partner Contributions: € 55381.20 (10%)

Duration: 11.07.2024 – 10.11.2026


The overall objective of the project is to reduce the impact of natural disasters on the residents of Black Sea Basin region and improve their resilience to climate change. Through the implementation of this project, we anticipate that small communities in the Black Sea Basin will have access to user-friendly tools that will help mitigate the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable populations. The expected outcome is the development of enhanced disaster risk prevention, climate change adaptation, and emergency response capacities in the targeted small communities.

The project will deliver several important outputs and results, with a significant emphasis on Institutional Capacity Building of small communities. One of the key outputs will be the development of a common methodology to improve preparedness for emergency situations in rural areas. This methodology will include a common emergency response plan and a user-friendly manual for adapting the plan to specific communities. Additionally, study visits and best practice exchange seminars will be organised to facilitate knowledge sharing and foster collaboration among stakeholders.

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