Several actions were taken with the goals of educating the public, local authorities, NGOs and mass media on environmental issues in the Rioni River basin; and securing their participation in the rehabilitation and protection of the Black Sea and rivers flowing into it.
An Informational Consultation Center was created with the main purpose of disseminating environmental information and conducting environmental consultations. Through this Center, information about the current state of the water in the Rioni River was made available.
Ecological awareness of journalists was increased through a two-day training conference, information booklets about the importance of the ecosystems of the Black Sea and rivers flowing in it, protection mechanisms, survey of the international conventions and appropriate Georgian legislation.
The public received periodic updates of a Public Opinion poll on waste collection, washing powders and fertilizer use and their influence on surface waters.
As a result, local governments accepted more responsibility regarding the issues of protection of the Black Sea and rivers ecosystems, and the role of ecological NGOs was increased in the mitigation of river and Black Sea pollution by nutrients and hazardous substances.