Moving Toward a Recycling Society

Moving Toward a Recycling Society

The Project is aimed at fostering community formation oriented at waste recycling in the Imereti region by promoting best practices in waste separation and capacity building for municipal services.

Project objectives are as follows:

  1. To introduce separated collection of waste in Tskaltubo City and foster public involvement in this process.
  2. To promote waste composting practices in Tskaltubo municipality.
  3. To raise public awareness about modern waste management approaches and foster capacity building for interested parties.

Plastic waste source separation was introduced in Tskaltubo. The population is actively engaged in sorted collection of waste. The project team members cooperate actively with Tskaltubo municipality in the issues relating to waste separation.  Tskaltubo municipality is currently implementing waste collection and storage.

15 special containers for plastic waste were constructed, with a capacity of 1,1 m3.

It should be noted that the population received the mentioned activities with great interest, and people are actively involved in sorting of plastic waste. The citizens themselves sort plastic waste and place them in the appropriate containers.

Promotion of waste composting in Tskaltubo municipality.

In particular, the following activities were implemented:

  • 4 pilot schools for organizing composting sites are selected.

After consultations with Tskaltubo municipality, 4 schools were selected, where the compost sites will be organized.  In particular, these are the public schools in Tskhaltubo and villages of Banoja, Kvitiri and Partskhanakanebi. The volume capacity of each site is  1 m x 1,5 m x 1 m. 4 compost sites were organized in all. Pupils and teachers of selected schools provide the management of composting process and obtaining of compost.

Also noteworthy is that the members of the Environmental Section of Tskhaltubo Pupils’ Center have been also actively involved in these activities. Pupils will take part not in implementation of composting process, but also they will carry out observations of this process, and they will study its course and particular features more thoroughly

  • The lessons on waste recycling/composting conducted at pilot schools.
  • The Guideline “School Composting” was prepared and printed. The Guideline contains information about composting process, compost components, simple composting methods and composting using.
  • Two telecast about composting was prepared and shown on Rioni-TV channel. Duration of the each telecast is 10 min.

Within the project, special attention was paid to the issues, such as the development of municipal waste management plans. To that end, the project team members were actively involved in the development of municipal waste management plans for Kutaisi and Tskhaltubo. The consultations on the mentioned issues were provided for representatives of Tkibuli municipality.

Considerable activities have been implemented for raising public awareness.

  • The coloring book for junior pupils about waste, with brief information about types of waste, their recycling and sorted collection, composting as well as coloring pictures and exercises was developed and printed.
  • The training-seminar on waste management for teachers was conducted in Tskhaltubo municipality.
  • Two telecasts on waste management were Duration of each telecast is 10 minutes.
  • Poster was prepared and printed. The posters aiming at raising public awareness about waste separation in the city, and calling for the active participation in this process.
  • The flyers with information about importance of waste sorting, waste recycling and products have been prepared and distributed.

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