Inclusion of Society in Environmental Decision-Making and Process-Building Capacity of the Local Government

Inclusion of Society in Environmental Decision-Making and Process-Building Capacity of the Local Government

Spectri assisted Tkibuli citizens in the development and municipal approval of a Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP) document. The plan was prepared with the input of a stakeholders group of 34 persons representing NGOs, local authorities, and spheres of education, health care, culture, media, and business. It contained six strategic action plans for 2013-2017, high priority measures and activities, and 115 action items.

A report on the state of environmental protection in Tkibuli was prepared, describing the present state of the pollution of water resources, air, surface waters, as well its impact on living conditions and people’s health. A formal analysis was prepared of samples of drinking water, air and water resources. There were complaints from the population and NGOs on the ecological vulnerability and elevated levels of vibration and noise due to operations of the Tkibuli Thermal Power Plant (TPP). The stakeholders group advocated for their environmental rights, and as a result, the operating license was revoked for the TPP operated by Saknakhshiri Ltd. due to the company’s failure to satisfy the environmental conditions of the operating license.

Because of a wide range of workshops in advocacy and action plan development, at the initiative of the stakeholders group two annual clean-up days were established. Environmental awareness workshops, art events, and other activities resulted in community commitment to environmental initiatives.

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