The overall objective of the Project was to facilitate the enhancement of the quality of the environment and life in the Black Sea countries through promotion of transboundary partnership and cooperation in modern waste management. This was done by increasing the capacity of local authorities and NGOs in Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia in waste management through the introduction of innovative practices in Romania and the EU.
Activities that ensured success were broad and included:
- Introduction of collection of separated plastic waste in Kutaisi
- Production of compost in Ararat
- Training through study tours and workshops for local authorities, municipal services, environmental NGOs, teachers, pilot schools, university, mass media groups, waste management experts, and mass media
- Completion of a study on the state of waste management in three cities (Kutaisi Georgia, Ungheni Moldova, and Ararat Armenia) with recommendations for further development of waste management plans
- Developed Waste Management Action Plans in the selected cities
- Developed materials for youth, the public, and journalists, including guides on waste management, booklets about the Black Sea Basin environment, curriculum on environmental issues, and coloring books
- Created a project management network and newsletters
- Establishment of a regional Waste Management Public Center
- Organization of two international conferences and three final conferences with participation of all partners and stakeholders
Other Projects

funded by ISAR Central Asia, 2000-2001, USD 2,000
Protect Citizens from the Negative Environmental Impact of Kutaisi Metallurgical Works
funded by EWMI-GPAC, 15.03.2013-15.07.2013, GEL 8.300
Improvement of the Waste Management System in Kutaisi
funded by the EU TCAS, 2007, EU 200.000
Raising Awareness for Georgian Consumers
funded by EU, 26.08.2016-30.08.2017, GEL 6,425
Inclusion of Society in Environmental Decision-Making and Process-Building Capacity of the Local Government
funded by EWMI-GPAC, 1.08.2012-31.07.2013, USD 27.688